

every time 造句 2023-12-04 14:30 297 墨鱼
every time 造句


⊙^⊙ lifetime造句如下:He met with many a setback in his lifetime.他一生中遭到过许多挫折。The century plant bloomlifetime 造句/ 例句1. You've given alifetimeof service to athletics. 你一生致力于体育事业。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》2. Parachuting will give you the rush of al

ˋ^ˊ〉-# 1.My this lifetime should be how one novel! 我这一生该是怎样的一部小说啊!2.Someone but it takes a lifetime to forget someone. 可要忘却一个人却需要终身的时间。3The world has turned topsy-turvy in mylifetime.在我的一生中世界已经变得一团糟。Treeing would reduce the breakdown field of insulation, shorten thelifetimeof cabl

1)lifetime[英]['la?fta?m][美]['la?f'ta?m]生命期1.Analysis of Energy Consumption and Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks;无线传感器网络能量消耗和生命期分析英文单词lifetime 例句大全,用单词lifetime造句:In the lastlifetime, this initiate's ancestor was a hard working farmer. 在最后一生中,这一提升者的祖先是一个努力工作的农

ˋ▂ˊ 8. Through a lifetime together, performing! 一生一起走过,不离不弃!9. Only once in a lifetime that a special dream comes true. 一生中只有一次美梦实现的奇迹。102. The average lifetime of a housefly is only about 15-30 days. (一只家蝇的平均寿命只有约15-30天。3. The lifetime of a car battery depends on various factors su


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