
waters off

water proof water resistant 2023-09-26 22:33 967 墨鱼
water proof water resistant

waters off

waterproof concrete防水混凝土;防水砼;waterproof membrane防水膜;waterproof paper防水纸,防潮纸;waterproof agent防水剂;waterproof jacket防水密外套;防水夹克;waterproof【求助】waters2695在线脱气问题OFF了,为什么?waters2695-2487,今天在用仪器做实验时,不知道为什么,把在线脱气degasser打开ON

waters off the coast

>﹏< wash off怎么读:英[wɔʃ ɔf] 美[wɑʃ ɔf] wash off是什么意思:使)清除掉,清洗掉与wash off相关的英语单词:1,zip是什么意思,zip怎么读?2,wink是什么意思,wink怎么读?wander off发音意思翻译漫步;漫游;离群走散迷失,离开正途[正确方向] 相似词语短语handed off───不可触摩;切换,转换fended off───v.避开;挡开hand off───不

coastal waters: (泛指)沿海水域offshore waters:滨外水域,离岸水域--水向外(离开陆地方向)流动inshore waters:近岸水域--水向内(陆地方向)流动问题补off adv. 1. 掉,下2.(离)开,走)开;隔)开3. 向一边4. 离,距;离海岸5. 切断;停止,中止6. 不工作,休息7. 光,完,尽;全部地8.( OFF 关,断开,关断off off Broadw

⊙0⊙ 1. 索马里海域task force)巡逻(patrolling)索马里海域(waters off Somalia)。blog.163|基于2个网页例句释义:全部,索马里海域下载手机版必应词典iOS Windows PhWarm Waters Caused Many Sea Creatures to Move Far North A study has found that warmer waters off North America’s West Coast caused many kinds of se

+0+ waters . [ˈwɔːtərz] waters 名词,水域,海域。a crocodile shark, a rare species typically found in tropical waters off brazil and australia, was dwaterproof 基本解释形容词不透水的,防水的;用防水材料处理过的及物动词使防水,使不透水;给(布)上胶名词防水衣物,雨衣usually plural; 防水布,油布;防水物,防水材料w


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