
are am同类的单词,am is are的意思

am are i哪个不同类 2023-12-01 18:57 198 墨鱼
am are i哪个不同类

are am同类的单词,am is are的意思

I am snake. 花卷有时候说得比较高级:I have wings, but I can not fly, instead I can run very fast. 大家猜猜是什么?Ostrich,鸵鸟!别看简单,我们能玩一are D. am ( ) 2. The first day in a week is___ . A. Saturday B. Sunday C. Monday D. Tuesday ( ) 3. I like ice-cream. It’s ___ . A. sour B. sweet C


一般现在时:am(我),is(他/她),are(他/她们),be 过去时:was(我/他/她),were(他/她们)完成时:been 意思均为"是".结构是主语+be动词(am, is, are)+动词ing. 如:It is raining now. 外面正在下雨。It is six o’clock now. 现在6点了。My parents are reading newspapers in the sitting room

)6、Where are you going? F、We are going to fly a kite. )7、Where are the giraffes? G、No, you can’t. )8、How old is your grandpa? H、They are ruleA.I B.are C.am 相关知识点:试题来源:解析A 结果一题目【题目】选出下列单词中不同类的单词:)A. IB . areC.am 答案【解析】A 结果二题目【题目】选出下列单词中不同

1) 常见单词缩读Are→ r How are you doing? The iPhone6 are amazing. Where are you going? My parents are not here. And→ n I want some cream and sugar. He learned it oveA、is B、are C、am 七、连词成句。10分1、what your do brother does ? ___ 2、I may a that have please at look dress ? ___ 3、we at have 12 o’clock lunch . ___ 4


标签: am is are的意思



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