
relate with与to区别,in relation to

have relation with 2023-08-27 12:03 959 墨鱼
have relation with

relate with与to区别,in relation to


4.beconcernedwith;be3.“relate to与relate with”的区别主要在于表达意思的辨析。例句:All these questions relate to philosophy.这

1.relate with意为“符合,与……联系”;What she said doesn'trelate well with the facts. 她所说的与事实不大相符。They tried torelate the results with (/to)the cause. 他Want to connect with a depressed friend but not sure how to relate to them? Comedian and storyteller Bill Bernat has a few suggestions. Learn some dos and don'ts for tal

(1)be related to 意思为:有亲属关系的;属同一家族的,与..有因果关系(侧重直接因果关系)英文有时可用连词and 代替介词with, to。如:A railway connects Beijing and (=with / to) Shanghai. 北京和上海之间有铁路相连。3. 注意!!下列情况,通常用介词with。如:(1) 表示

relate to 和relate with的区别:1)用作不及物动词时,常与介词to连用,例如:The symbols relate t1.“relate to”的中文意思是涉及、有关。2.“relate with”的中文意思是“使相关,使符合,与……联系3.“relate to与relate with”的区别主要在于表达意思的辨析。例句:A

ˋ▂ˊ relate同样大家都认识,这里说下relate to和relate with的区别,relate to 的意思基本和relate本身的意思是一样的,后面接名词;而relate with大家尽量不要用,因1.“relate to”的中文意思是"涉及、有关"。2.“relate with”的中文意思是“使相关,使符合”3.“relate to与relate with”的区别主要在于表达意思的辨析。例


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