
themed作文例句,themed on造句

PPT文本翻译在哪里 2022-12-24 14:35 767 墨鱼

themed作文例句,themed on造句

(谈话,写作等的)题目(又作:主旋律,主题,主题曲,音乐)主题,作文题,学生的作文) volume_up themed{名词} 绞刑吏绞刑吏你准备好拯救bab.la的绞刑吏了吗?现在就测试你的实力!现Star wars themed alarm clock will project the time on your wall . 这款星球大战主题闹钟会把时间投影到你的墙上。Other companies have welcomed their brands being us

高分英语作文1:Film themed It is necessary to be a healthy tourist. When we travel abroad, we should respect their customs and habits. As the saying goes, when we are in 42.【an arduous task 艰巨的任务】

(配高分作文例句) 感叹句A.What +a +N (it was)! 1. What an unforgettable experience it was! 2. What a narrow escape! 3.What a pleasant surprise! 4. W3. on the theme of; be themed on 主题为4. broaden one’s horizons/ vision; expand one’s vision 开阔眼界5. raise one’s awareness 提高意识6. have a good knowle

maid themed restaurant 女仆餐厅相似单词themed a. 【主英】反映一定主题的最新单词dewaterizer的中文解释脱水器dewatering是什么意思及音标脱水;疏水dewaterer什么意思及同义词脱权威例句THEMED SECTION: MEDIATORS AND RECEPTORS IN THE RESOLUTION OF INFLAMMATION Themed flagship brand stores in new millennium: theory, practice, prospects The

adj. 以…为主题的;v. 以一个主题提供(theme的过去分词) 单词详解英汉双解adj. 有特定主题的<英> 收起简明例句Themed restaurants, bars, and nightclubs 从很早时候起,瀑布就是画家所喜爱的题材。2.(乐曲的)主题,主旋律;学生的)作文themethemes themed theming Noun 1. the subject matter of a conversation


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