

用onfoot造句 2024-01-06 13:50 393 墨鱼


单词Ship 例句大全,用单词Ship造句:Research on Aberrancy Angle Probability Distribution forShipColliding with Bridge Piers 船撞桥偏航角分布研究Objective To explorship 造句/ 例句1. Ashipappeared on the horizon. 一艘船出现在地平线上。《牛津词典》2. Theshipwas bound for Italy. 这艘船是开往意大利的。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典

I go to Guangdong by shipship英[ʃɪp] 美[ʃɪp] n. 船;舰;v. 装运;用船)运送;上(船);乘(船) 过去式:shipped 过去分词:shipped 现在分词:shipping 第三人称单数:ships 例句用作名词(n.)

另一个手指做Jill,分别作出往上爬的动作,然后一个手指掉落,另一个也跟着掉落下来。1、containerpalletship 2、ship-building,ship-breaking andship-repairing yard" 3、shipout; send out;take aship 4、Oneshiprammed the othership. 5、Th

course造句简单course造句1、Dad: Of course not, I have to watch my American Idol. 爸爸:当然不想啊,我得回去看我的《美国偶像》。2、If only the course still played 1、Ships? We don't haveships. 2、Formal]ships; vessels 3、attraction between adjacentships 4、wireless operators onships 5、The twoshipscollided. 6

1、Theshiphit a sandbank.(船撞到了沙堤。2、Theshipwas bound for Italy.(这艘船是开往意大利的。3、Theshiphas undergone a complete refit.(这条船已经全面整修了。ship造句1. I need to order a new ship for my navy fleet. 2. The ship is slowly making its way to the harbor. 3. Engineers are working around the clock to build t


标签: 用by造句简单



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