

用beproudof造句 2023-09-24 16:57 580 墨鱼


v. command,require,compel prohibit例句1.The tourists are prohibited from getting on the island. 旅游者被禁止登上那个小岛。2.His small size prohibi1、prohibitpupils' drinking 2、Attention: strictlyprohibitempty running! 3、Weprohibitpupils from smoking. 4、Here, weprohibitresizing entirely. 5、

prohibit造句复制1、The rules were amended in 1974 toprohibitposthumous prizes.(颁奖规则在1974年进行修订,此后即禁止追授奖项。2、Sometimes a city or town willpr1、In most of the residence halls we visited, rules prohibit disorderly conduct. 在我们走访的学生宿舍里,大多明令禁止胡作非为。2、Local zoning laws prohibit build

3. Prohibit the sale of alcoholic beverages. 禁止出售含酒精的饮料. 4. We should prohibit the sale of pornographic literature. 我们应该禁止出售淫秽文学. 5. Legisla一个题目抛出来,比如Do you think smoking should be prohibited completely?Why? 你也许对这个话题有

˙0˙ It's difficult to seeprohibitin a sentence. 用prohibit造句挺难的Opium taking isprohibitedby law . 法律禁吸鸦片。Later, nim would learn the procedure wasprohibitprohibit sb from doing sth 意思就是阻止某人做某事 下面的例句希望能帮助你理解例句:Mom prohibits Tom from watching TV. 妈妈阻止Tom看电视The heavy rai

过去分词:prohibited 现在分词:prohibiting 第三人称单数:prohibits 完整释义:v. 1.不准许,禁止;阻止,防止2.违禁3.不适合n. 1.禁止者;阻止者例句:while other food单词prohibit 例句大全,用单词prohibit造句:entirelyprohibit 一概予以查禁Prohibithim from coming. 别让他进来。Prohibitburning out in the open. 禁止露天焚烧To for


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