
be related to 后跟什么,be relative to用法

be related with的含义 2023-09-24 16:30 699 墨鱼
be related with的含义

be related to 后跟什么,be relative to用法

be related (to).意为“和……有联系;和……有关”、“与……有亲戚关系”;relate to.意为“和……有关”,“和……相处得好;和……合得来”。relating to .”关于”相对于18、be closely related to ~~ (与息息相关) 例句:Taking exercise is closely related to health. 做运动与健康息息相关。19、Get into the habit of Vin

be related to强调一种内在的联系,是抽象的;而be connected with更强调一种外在的看得见的联系:电脑和打印机的连接the printer is connected with the computer。2. be responsi be devoted to doing 致力于,被用于,贡献给be related to doing被…与…联系起来,被关系到,amount to 共计,意味着…基于7个网页2. 和某人有亲属关系

其后跟名词或从句。如:Herelatedtohiswifesomeamusingstoriesabouthisemployer.他对太太述说有关他雇主的一些趣事。related to 用法:be realted to较常用,“与……有关联/相关"、与……有亲缘关系",后面接人。2.be related with 用法:be related with“与……有关系”

"be related to doing"和"to do"都是表示"做某事"的短语,但它们在使用上还是有一些区别的。be related to doing"表示某个事物与做某事有关系或联系,例如:The related to……(和某事相关)thanks to……(多亏某事)in additon to……(除了某事)以上动词

be related to 美英na.和…有(亲戚)关系英汉na. 1. 和有(亲戚)关系1. Theyalsosaythatwhileoptimismingeneraldoesseemtoberelatedtobetterhealth,it ishardto tellwh"be related to"和"be related with"都是表示关联或相关的短语,常在英语中使用。尽管它们的含义有些重叠,但它们在


标签: be relative to用法



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