

quickly怎么造句 2023-12-09 17:54 867 墨鱼


quicken our pace造句1、We have to quicken our pace. 2、Second, we must lay more emphasis on both career ethics and skills in vocational education She stirred her soup to quicken its cooling.她搅动汤使它凉得快些。Like witheered leaves to quicken a new birth!让它像枯叶一样促成新的生命!Quicken me, for the sa

ˋωˊ 2. Good debate can quicken one's mind. 好的辩论能使人头脑敏锐。3. Spring rain quickened the earth. 春雨使大地复苏。不及物动词1. quicken的意思1. His pace quick权威造句1. I actually felt my heartquicken. 我感觉心跳真的加快了。来自柯林斯例句2. She felt her heartbeatquickenas he approached. 随着他的走近,她觉得自己的心跳

A short absence quickens love, a long absence kill it.短暂得离别会促进爱情,长久得分离却会扼杀爱情。It aslo aids your digeslion and quickens your recovery fyom faYour heart beat willquickenwhen you run up the stairs. 跑上楼梯时,心跳会加速。词形变化:名词:quickener|动词过去式:quickened|动词过去分词:quickened|动词现在分词:q

12.quicken sb's pulse使某人脉搏跳动加快13.He sped the engine up.他加快了发动机的速度。14.(of an engine)revolve;increase the speed of revolution(指发动机) 旋转,6、The aging trend will quicken in the next century. 7、She felt her heartbeat quicken as he approached. 8、Like witheered leaves to quicken a new bi

4、Military competition can, of course,quicken the paceof development in space technology. 5、Currently, our little island needs toquicken the pacea④ The coach is trying to quicken the team's movements on the field.(教练正在尝试加快球队在场上的动作) 4.其他常用用法① Quick to learn(学习能力强) ② Quick to ad


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