

用likes写五个句子 2023-12-18 20:31 786 墨鱼


单词topple 例句大全,用单词topple造句:Iike a bird some time itopple 飞鸟一般,偶然流离失速Coalition totoppleSaddam Hussein. 倒萨联盟。That Building is going toto1. I would like to sleep because I felt tired.2. Iwould like to eat because I am hungry.3. Iwould like go home because I do not want to stay outsi

例句与造句it's not iike other firms haven't called .-erin- -你了解我俩合伙的价值!艾琳it's not iike other firms haven't called .-erin-- 你了解我俩合伙的价值!deer造句1、Adeer, adeer, thedeeris short. 2、My doe, mydeer, my femaledeer. 3、Doe-adeer, a femaledeer. 4、wilddeerantler slice 5、Thedeeris runnin

Youthinkcookingisacutejob,IikeMommyinthekitchen? 你以为做菜很好玩吗?像妈妈在厨房里?home.putclub 5. Well,I'dIiketobeapartofwhatyoucomehometo. 好吧,我希望自己I like corn.这里的like不用加s,因为这里的主语是I,I是第一人称,如果这里的I改为像she,he这样的第三人称单数就要把动词(例如这里是like)加上s。

1、Like Begetslike 2、Returnlikeforlike. 3、Like cow,likecalf" 4、Like master,likeman. 5、Like son,likefather. 6、Like father,likeson. Like master,用iil造句挺难的" second , jhe failure process of lpg vessel usually includes two phasest the crack formation and the crack propagation . after the temperatat fiel

˙ω˙ 用爱like 造句1、I like you a lot.(我非常喜欢你。2、I like your new hairstyle.(我喜欢你的新发型。3、I like most vegetables.(几乎什么蔬菜我都喜欢。4、I don'tbobcat造句1、It's, Iike, bobcat. You know, it's scary. 2、What does a bobcat have in common with a badger? 3、Or the bobcat, needing rabbits and be


标签: 用quickly造句简单



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