
In the evening,have dinner

on the afternoon对吗 2023-12-24 00:30 479 墨鱼
on the afternoon对吗

In the evening,have dinner

in the morning and late in the evening. legco.hk 不幸的是,可供選擇的方案有限,主要是依賴在全日仍有可供使用的跑道容量的時間內,即清晨及晚㆖較後時間,加插更多航in the evening (中文)___ 相关知识点:试题来源:解析该题考查短语翻译.in the evening 在晚上.故答案为:在晚上. 结果一题目in the evening. 答案go to bed at 9:30 结

●△● in the evening英[in ðə ˈi:vniŋ] 美[ɪn ði ˈivnɪŋ] in the evening 基本解释在晚上in the evening 网络解释1. 在晚上:6. 晚上evening | 7. 在百度文库期刊文献会议in the evening的中文"in the evening" 的中文意思是"在晚上"。©2022 Baidu |由百度智能云提供计算服务| 使用百度前必读| 文库协议| 网站地图

in the evening 读音汉语翻译在晚上例句:The high street is a blaze of lightsin the evening. 晚上大街上灯火辉煌。In the eveningI usually read. 晚上我常常看书。of an evening经常在晚上in the evening在晚上the evening of an empire帝国的没落the shades of evening幕色,夜色evening group黄昏星组evening clothesphr. 晚礼服类

in the evening 英[in ðə ˈi:vniŋ]美[ɪn ði ˈivnɪŋ] 释义常用牛津词典释义在晚上;双语例句全部1. In the evening a log fire would provide cosiness. 晚上in the evening 在晚上in the evening 英[in ðə ˈi:vniŋ]美[ɪn ði ˈivnɪŋ]释义在晚上网络在夜晚; 傍晚;#


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