

much greener 2023-12-21 20:26 619 墨鱼
much greener


变形:比较级:greener; 最高级:greenest; green用法green可以用作名词green的基本意思是“绿色”,是一种代表生命的颜色,还可指“绿色的衣服”“绿色蔬菜”或一片长满草的区greener 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释Third , the city must become much greener . 其三,该城市务必要更加注重环保。Pressure to make ships gree

Common cars are greener than electric cars.───普通汽车比电动汽车更环保。Living in greener neighborhoods benefits children in brain development.───生活在更Some think aviation can be both bigger andgreener. 有人认为航空业可以又大又环保。——精选例句◎ 比邻bi0.cn 2. It has a low price compared with n

greener的用法和样例:例句Alec thinks he would be better off if he moved to another company. But the grass always looks greener on the other side tgreener 显示所有例句adj. 颜色colour 1. 绿色的;草绿色的having the colour of grass or the leaves of most plants and trees 青草覆盖covered with grass 2. 长满青草的;

9. Those changes directly tie the human impacted climate change are making the continent greener, quicker. 这些变化直接来源于人类影响下的气候变化,南极大陆正在“变绿”,变形:比较级:greener; 最高级:greenest; green用法green可以用作名词green的基本意思是“绿色”,是一种代表生命的颜色,还可指“绿色的衣服”“绿色蔬菜”或


标签: greener的中文意思



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