

古英语和现代英语对比 2023-08-28 18:08 317 墨鱼


在古英语阶段,不定式的词尾是-an,现在分词的词尾是-end或-ende,过去分词的词尾就是-t。记住了这个知识点对我们看懂英语的词源解释是非常重要的。接下来我们讲英语发展的第二个阶段在中古英语中演化为“lorthew”,意思不变。“lár”大概和德语的“Lehre”同源,而“þéow”可能和古英语的另一个词”þegn“仆人)同源16. MEOLCLIÐE Meol

an old-fashioned, poetic, or religious word for `you' when you are talking to only one person (你;宾格) 5 - Ye返回搜狐,查看更多an old-fashioned, pMiddle-English Glossary | 中古英语词汇表(N-Z) nakers noun kettle-drums namo adj. no more, no others; adv. no more, never again narwe adv. closely; adj. narrow,

中古英语词汇表下载积分:150 内容提示:Middle-English Glossary abid, abyd, abyde verb, prsnt. remain, await, wait; abood verb, pst. awaited, remaineMiddle-english Glossary 中古英语词汇表??Librarius All rights reserved. abid, abyd, abyde verb, prsnt. remain, await, wait; abood verb, pst. awaited

>^< 3.Thine is an old-fashioned, poetic, or religious word for `yours' when you are talking to only one person. 4.Thee is an old-fashioned, poetic, or religious word 例如:wed在古英语中作“结婚”解,但在中古英语时期传入了法语词”merry”,英语中“结婚”这一意义渐渐由marry来表示,wed只用在引申意义中了;它的动名词wedding

关键词:古英语词汇的形成,本族词汇的特征,外来词,后缀前缀和复合词。Old English (Old English) is from 449 years to 1150 years. Ancient English and modern English in 那实在是太多了。一个重要的来源就是ballad,这个文体有很多来自中古英语或者古英语的词汇,在现代英语


标签: 中古英语的特点



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