
have fun doing造句,havefun加动词什么形式

Have fun造句 2023-12-07 18:20 914 墨鱼
Have fun造句

have fun doing造句,havefun加动词什么形式

we decide to play outside. 34801 have a fun time造句Do you have a fun time 34801 have fun doing造句we are having fun watching TV I had fun watching the dog chasing a2. 感到做某事很有乐趣2012年中考英语give up doing sth. 放弃做某事have fun doingsth.感到做某事很有乐趣be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事12edu.cn|基于11

I have fun (in) doing housework.我觉得做家务很有意思。You can have great fun (in) playing basketball in your summer vacation.你可以在暑假打篮球玩得很开心。We have greahave fun in的造句和例句:1. Good day for you and have fun in here ! 祝您有个美好的一天且在这里得到快乐!2. Let's just do it and have fun in everything 让我们现在

造句have fun doing sth.翻译一下句子优质解答做某事很开心追答:有问题可以在问我哦追问:造句追答:we are having fun watching TV I had fun watchin1. I always have fun doing things with my best friend. 2. My sister has fun doing things like painting and drawing. 3. We have fun doing things like hiking and ca

have fun doing sth造句:1)Bob will have fun looking for them.Bob将很乐意找寻他们。2)Wish you have fun learning English this term.希望你这个学期愉快的have fun doing造句1. I always have fun doing yoga in the morning. 2. My friends and I have fun doing karaoke on the weekends. 3. We had so much fun doing a scave

have fun doing sth造句相关知识点:试题来源:解析I have fun playing with my friends 结果一题目have fun doing sth造句答案I have fun playing with my friends相Trust me, you'll have fun playing the piano.相信我吧,弹钢琴将会使你快乐。


标签: havefun加动词什么形式



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