
can i have coffee please,coffee

can i have any coffee 2023-08-23 21:14 903 墨鱼
can i have any coffee

can i have coffee please,coffee

Can I have a blanket, please? (请给我拿个毯子吧? 座位头顶上有调节空调和灯光的按钮,如果需要工作人员帮助,可以按带小人图标的按钮。座位正前方有小屏幕电视,可以观看电影。5、Can I have some milk in my coffee,please?我能在咖啡里加点牛奶吗?6、Can I have some water?我能喝些水吗7

因a cup of coffee 是have 的佔有物possession, 所以have 是普通一个动词.作为助动词,e.g1—Can I have a cup of coffee, please?—A.No, you can'tB.Thank youC.It's a pleasureD.Certainly 2【题目】Can I have a cup of coffee, please?A. No, you can't. B

Can I have a venti caramel latte please. And I’d lvoe getan extra shot please. 就是这个意思,先告诉他你要什么咖啡,在描述一些特殊需求。当然,咖啡师也会问你,你有什么别的要-- Can I have some coffee, please? -- ___. A. Yes, you can B. No, you can't C. Yes, here you are 试题答案答案:C 练习册系列答案名校特优卷系列答案名校名卷期末冲

--Xiaoling: Can I please have a cup of tea with milk, a cup of coffee and a large coke? 小玲:我可以要一杯奶茶、一杯咖啡,一大杯可乐吗?--Cashier: Here you are. The coffe Please give me some ice water.-- 请给我冰水Coffee please--请给我一杯咖啡Can you speak chinese?-- 你会说中文吗? tw.myblog.yahoo|基于3个网页3. 咖啡爱情

Give me a coffee 给我一杯咖啡。Can I have a coffee 可以给我一杯咖啡吗?Please help me 请帮帮我。I will not burp 我不会打嗝的。Can you fix my car 你能3、Where can I get my baggage? 我在何处可取得行李?5、Please have two window seats placed aside for us. 请为我们保留两个靠窗口的位子。6、Is this th


标签: coffee



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