

meanwhile词组 2022-12-25 18:14 243 墨鱼


ˋ^ˊ Meanwhile, melt the white chocolate in a bowl suspended over simmering water. 同时,把碗置于微沸的水上,将白巧克力放入碗中使其熔化。2. The media, meanwhile, has blmeanwhile 后面一定要加逗号while 不用加Mom worked all day. Meanwhile, I was at school. (逗号紧跟在后) While you sang, I took pictures of you. (没有逗号) 4、后面接的成

这句话不对。两个过去的动作同时进行时,一个用过去时,一个用过去进行时。Mother went shopping meanwile(when while)I was cleaning the house.这才是对的。17、要做一个不慕浮华、不是遮掩的人,纵然清贫平凡,也会少却许多烦恼。18、Meanwhile, thechirpedpulse amplification technique has boosted the peak power

1、Fatah, meanwhile, seemed unprepared. 2、The French, meanwhile,were advancing, 3、Global aid, meanwhile, has stalled. 4、Russia, meanwhile, is fin4、Meanwhile, DE Lange reports that his colleagues have not been idle on the island.同时,德兰格说,他的同事们在岛上可不是无所事事。5、Wie lange m?chten Sie in Deu

meanwhile造句1、Meanwhile the lines of division and disagreement in Egypt are as complicated as ever.同时,埃及人之间的分化和争议仍一如既往的复杂。2、Meanwhile I 20、meanwhile, my debts were mounting up.(同时,我的债务在不断增加。21、meanwhile, anger has reached the boiling point among Haitian-Americans in so


标签: drought造句简单



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