01-03 504
关于秋天的名言英语短句 |
It's cools down in the fall 到了秋天天气渐渐凉了I hope the weather there is cold enough 我希望那儿天气够冷The temperature has dropped a lot today. 今天温度低多了It's 描写秋天的英语短句1. The leaves of the trees have changed their colors into yellow, orange and red. 2. A cool breeze blows through the crisp autumn air. 3. The s
文中,既有丰富的色彩词汇,如“white,blue,red,purple,green,yellow,golden”等,刻画了秋天的色彩美,又有“harvesting crops,picking fruits”等动词短语,勾勒出秋天农忙时节的场景,autumn, fall这两个词都可表示“秋天”。一般说,autumn是英语,fall是美语,但这并不绝对。由于秋天是落叶的季节,故美语一般将秋天讲作fall,但在书面语中也用autu
∪﹏∪ 关于秋天的英语句子1.Autumn seemed to arrive suddenly that year. The morning of the first September was crisp and golden as an apple. 那一年的秋天似乎突然就到了。九月的描写秋天的写景英语作文秋天,一个美好的季节。各种情感都混在一起,有酸,有甜,也有苦和辣。Autumn is a beautiful season. All kinds of emotions are mixed together, sou
Hello,everyone! 这里是S姐的英文世界📝 - 前几篇分享了形容秋天的英文词汇这篇给大家来10组金句&短语可以用在写作中- 好啦~ 以上就是今日的分享如果你有不同见解欢迎交流⬇️– Thomas Hood (英国诗人) 10. Fall has always been my favorite season. The time when everything bursts with its last beauty, as if nature had been saving up all year f
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01-03 504
情人的称呼有以下几种叫法: 1、老公、老婆、媳妇、丈夫,爱人。(这是情侣之间最普通的称呼。) 2、小宝贝、大宝贝、宝宝、小亲亲。 3、亲爱的、小鲜肉、小美女、相公。 4、小宝、大宝...
01-03 504