
make friends with造句,go by造句

from on造句 2023-12-16 17:08 480 墨鱼
from on造句

make friends with造句,go by造句

Since he's so high up, I dare not be so presumptuous tomake friends withhim. 他那么显赫,我可不敢高攀。英文例句大全为您提供make friends with英文例句大全,make frie〖造句〗Make friends with expert bloggers in your niche.在你的领域与专家交朋友。I will not make friends with a dishonest person.我决不会与不诚实的人交

1.He can make friends with strangers easily.他很容易可以和陌生人交朋友.2.I have to make sure the doors are locked before I leave.我出门之。make frieI am so happy to make friends with you

1、make friends with PEOPLE OUTSIDE OF YOUR PROFESSION.(和你的职业范围外的人交朋友。2、It's hard for me tomake friends with strangers.(我很难和陌生人交朋友。31. I decided to make friends with my new neighbor by inviting her over for dinner. 2. It's important to make friends with your coworkers to create a positive work

●△● 1、Be friends with; make friends with;Be playmates with 2、Maybe I'll make friends with a bear. 3、We want to make friends with them. 4、Would you mHe planned to make friends with everyone in school.他计划和学校里的每一个人都成为朋友。They are always prepared to make friends with others.他们总是准备

+△+ make friends with的造句和例句:1. It is difficult to make friends with her .跟她交朋友十分困难。2. He made friends with him instantly .他顷刻之间就与他相熟了。内1. I hope to make friends with my new classmates. (我希望能与我的新同学交朋友。2. Joining a club or organization can help you make friends who share similar int


标签: go by造句



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