

表示担忧的英语句子 2023-12-08 17:16 815 墨鱼


担心的英文短语:worry about、care about、concern about 1、worry about 读音:英[ˈwʌri əˈbaut] 美[ˈwɚri əˈba. account account for 说明…的原因/占on account of 由于/因为take account of sth 考虑/顾及…take sth into account 考虑/顾及…4. accuse accuse sb

2.have its origin in;come from起源于;出自The word“grammar”is derived from ancient Greek.英语“grammar”这个词源于古希腊文。These raisins derive from Xinjiang and tas医生的报告证实了我们最大的担忧。The doctor's report confirmed our worst fears. 社会失衡比收入不公平更令他担忧。Social imbalance worries him more than inequity of inco

43. much too +adj. 太…adj. /adv 44. because of 由于;因为+词/短语Because+句子--原因状语从句45. forget to do sth. 忘记要做某事46. forget doing sth. 忘记做过了某事4担忧的英语说法1: worry 担忧的英语说法2: be anxious 担忧的英语说法3: be afraid of 担忧的相关短语:令人担忧Worrying ; of concern ; worrisome 担忧某

· ▫️away adv. 距离……有多远,距离……有多久;朝另一个方向;不在,离开;逐渐消失;移走▫️back adv. 回到原处,恢复原状;作为回报;回应(来信、电话、目光等); 向后,在背担忧的英语说法1: worry 担忧的英语说法2: be anxious 担忧的英语说法3: be afraid of 担忧的相关短语:令人担忧Worrying ; of concern ; worrisome 担忧某人worry worr

高中英语必修一重要短语1 Unit1.Friendship 1.add up 合计2.upset vt&vi 弄翻,使…不安,使心烦,扰乱adj.心烦意乱的,不舒服的`,不适的,难过的。3.ignore不理睬、忽视4.calm (使)例句1、Don't worry . We have plenty of time.不必担心。我们有很多时间。2、Don't worry about me. I'll be all right.别为我担忧。我会没事的。3、He's always worrying about


标签: 担忧的高级表达



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