

Strong造句短的 2024-01-08 11:32 593 墨鱼


1、Sue haslong dark hair.(苏留着长长的黑发。2、Theirlong struggle ended in failure.(他们的长期努力以失败告终。3、I've had along hard day.(我这一天是又长又累。【轻松造句轻松造句一年级简单的】文章插图花无心展颜妖异一笑,轻轻松松的松开手指。旁观者轻,轻松的轻。—罗素然。独木舟。对话仍然是轻松友好的。这一修正案能轻松通

1、Her hair is long and black. 她的头发又长又黑。2、I gave her a book. 我给了她一本书。3、She loves her cat very much. 她非常爱她的猫。4、Her parents are doctorslong造句英语用long(长)造句子有如下:1.We were tired out after that long walk.走了那么长一段路,我们都累坏了。2.She began (her talk) by saying that she would not

∪^∪ 1、As long as youve offered,I accept.既然你已给我,我就接受。2、You may stay here as long as you like.你高兴在这儿待多久就待多久。3、I know I need to go to the dentist 造句造比较简单的优质解答tall-I am taller than you.short-You are shorter than Mary.long-Your hair is longer than mine.funny-This joke is funnier tha

long常用造句首字拼音为long常用造句按首字母查常用造句a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z"Long"的比较级是"longer"。以下是几个例句:1. My hair is getting longer and longer every day. 我的头发每天变得越来越长了。2. I can run for a longer time than I c


标签: tall写一句话



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