

八年级上册unit1短语 2023-12-11 10:53 291 墨鱼


Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? 1.quite a few+c.n复数相当多,不少要的东西16.bring back带回quite a little+u.n相当多17.in the shopping center在购物中心相当多q英语仁爱版八年级英语上册_Unit1短语归纳短语总结Unit1 Topic1 1.看到某人经常做某事see sb do sth  2.看到某人正在做某事see sb doing sth  3. 在两者之间bet

人教新目标英语八年级上册Unit1 Where did you go on vacation 重点短语1.visited museums参观博物馆2.went to summer camp/ the mountains去夏令营/爬山3.stayed at hom英语八年级英语上册Unit1短语初二英语上册短语句型Unit1 Good friends(2013-9-12) 执笔:马赛汉审核:李卉班级学号姓名1.一些喝的东西something to drink 2.再来一些食物so

+ω+ 八年级英语上册Unit1短语集锦(新人教版) Unitone短语集锦.去夏令营gotosummercamp2.买一些特别的东西buysomethingspecial 3.为考试准备studyfortests4.跟某人外出gooutwith 人教版八年级上册英语第一单元短语Unit 1 Section A go on vacation 去度假go shopping 购物go out 外出(娱乐) buy sth. for sb.(= buy sb. sth.) 给某人买某物go to sum

1.我能喝些什么吗?Can I have something to drink? 2.我还能再吃些食物吗?CanI have some more food? 3.冰箱里什么也没有。There’s nothing in the fridge. 4.也许我们能分U(一)nit1Topic1短语总结1.看到某人经常做某事see sb do sth 2.看到某人正在做某事see sb doing sth 3.在两者之间between…and…4.在暑假期间during the summer holidays 5

八年级英语上册第一至十单元常考重点短语Unit10 【常考重点短语】1.go to the party 参加晚会2. have a great /good time 玩得开心3.stay at home 待在家4. take the bu八年级英语上册Unit1短语集锦(新人教版) Unit One 短语集锦1.去夏令营go to summer camp2.买一些特别的东西buy something special 3.为考试准备study for tests4.跟某人外


标签: 初二英语第一单元知识点总结



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