

sharein造句 2022-12-28 03:19 569 墨鱼


9. He refused to settle for anything that was second best. 他拒绝退而求其次。10. One day I'll want to settle down and have a family. 总有一天,我会想安定下来,成1. They refused to settle for a promise of jam tomorrow. 他们并不满足于那些美好未来的空话。2. 由有道智云提供数据服务2In the end they had to settle for a draw

settle for造句

We should try to settle this affair byargument, not by fighting. 我们应以说理而不是打架的方式来解决这件事。There's very little actualargumenton either side of th1. I want $2000 for my car and I won't settle for less. 我要两千美元才卖车,低于这个价我可不要。2. settle for的解释2. We reached the hotel late and had to settle


They refused to settle for a promise of jam tomorrow. 他们并不满足于那些美好未来的空话。In the end they had to settle for a draw. 最后,他们只好接受平局的结果。I c40、As a woman , I DEMAND respect . And don'tsettle forless .作为一个女人,我需要尊重。而且不是一点点。41、And after a decade of sending overstret


单词:settle for音标:'setl fɔ:] 读音settle for的发音:单词解释勉强认可与settle for 相关的例句I want£500 for my car and I won't settle for less. 我的汽车要价settle for造句导读1.Is there any reason to expect that Japan will settle for anything less?(有什么理由指望日本满足于次等地位? 造句指懂得并使用字词,


1、Don'tsettle fora rose. 2、Isettle forno less. 3、settle forsuch a quiet life 4、Don'tsettle foranything less than exclusivity. 5、Do yousettle foLet mesettle forall of you. 让我替你们大家付帐吧。I want$20,000 for my car and won'tsettle forless. 我的车子要卖两万美元,少于这价钱就不行。I had hoped to get 10


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