

pacify 翻译 2023-12-26 21:22 224 墨鱼
pacify 翻译


1. His attempts atpacifyingthe mob were met by angry hoots and billingsgate. 他想使群众安定下来的企图招来的是愤怒的嘘声和下流的谩骂。youdao 2. "I pray you," answthe importance of self-cultivation to a gentleman. A gentleman with benevolence, righteousness, manners, wisdom and credit who undertakes the responsibility of regulati

to bring or restore to a state ofpeaceor tranquility;quiet;calm:to pacify an irate customer. toappease:to pacify one's appetite. to reduce to a state of submission, especially by milpacifying 搜索pacifying[ə'bænd(ə)n]您的浏览器不支持audio 标签。v. 使(某人)安静( pacify的现在分词);息怒;抚慰;在(有战争的地区、国家等)实现和平记忆法添加记忆法

>△< pacifying的定义v.有主动词verb pac·i·fied,pac·i·fy·ing. to bring or restore to a state ofpeaceor tranquillity; quiet; calm:to pacify an angry man. to appeasepacifying pacifying['pæsifai] [网页划词已开启] 英汉解释vt. 使平静;安慰;平定同义词a.assuasive,calming,soothing 参考例句1. I pray you, " answered the minister,

╯﹏╰ pacifying 暢通辭彙英['pæsɪfaɪ]美['pæsɪfaɪ] v.使平靜;撫慰;安慰Created with Highcharts 3.0.2释义常用度分布图海词统计抚慰安慰使平pacifying ['pæsifai] [ pacifying ] v.使平静,抚慰,安慰例句与用法:He tried topacifyhis creditor by repaying part of the money. 他为安抚债权人偿还了部分借


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