
can we和we can的区别,we can help

We can do it 2023-11-04 16:06 132 墨鱼
We can do it

can we和we can的区别,we can help

例如:We should treat others kindly 我们必须好心地对待别人。【用法二】n.难得的乐事(尤指令人感到意外的)。例如:I took my son to the zoo as a birthdayhow can we 是疑问句语序例如:How can we get to the post office? how we can 是陈述句语序,常用于从句中. 例如:Would you pleas

用在现在,表可能性很低。Itcouldbe weeks before we get a reply. If you are not careful, youcouldget into even worse trouble. 一、不正式的【表允许】用can Can I use your19. We can't turn back time. We have to hold our ground. 时光不能倒流,我们必须坚守阵地。20. I forced myself into a corner. Only total victory will put me back in his g

你回答:No, we can all go. (all放在了can的后面)歪果仁解释的是:对“我们”这个主语来说,外部没有任何禁止,我们当然可以参加。你回答:No, we all can go.(all放在了can的前can we可以表示我们才能 ,we can表示我们能比如:only work hard can we get hign marks

can't和mustn't的区别:含义不同、用法不同。can't意思为不可能,表示推测,是语气非常坚决的否定推测,而can一般只用于否定句、疑问句或肯定句中;mustn't意为禁止As you can see, the difference is substantial; we have now foursmaller tasks that can be solved independently. Knowing this, we can affirm that theelements get processe


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