

用sweep造句 2023-11-23 21:40 446 墨鱼


truths造句1、All greattruthsare obvioustruths. But no all obvioustruthsare greattruths. 2、an abiding belief; imperishabletruths. 3、A babbler of hHe tried to varnish over the truth with a lie. 他试图用谎言来掩盖真相。Now you see I was telling yow the truth. 现在你明白我对你讲的是真话了。The detective soon

5、Truth liberates, yes, but not thistruth. 6、Beauty istruth,truthis beauty. --Keats 7、the unvarnishedtruth 8、Only preach God'struth. 9、Mandatet造句练习4 你的翻译:参考译文:There is a grain of truth to t 2023-09-20 23:33:01 综合教程The real truth about lies翻译谎言的实质综合教程The rea

The absolute truth is not equal the absolution of truth绝对真理不等于真理的绝对性I can not accept such a light of truth, I not adhere to.我无法接受这么轻得事实,truth造句简单如下:1、Tosomeextent this was the truth.(在某种程度上这是事实。2、We'll get the truth out of

造句>包含"truth"的造句暂无相关造句造句排行榜造句推荐榜字谜推荐| 笑话推荐| 对联| 造句爱好旅游(打一成语) 年初一晚上打一节目名称元宵节灯谜:元宵前后共团圆(truth造句复制1、To some extent this was thetruth.(在某种程度上这是事实。2、We'll get thetruthout of her.(我们会从她那里套出实情。3、He adjured them to tell

用truth造句子:1.Do you think she's telling the truth ? 你认为她在讲实话吗?2.We are determined to get at (= discover) the truth. 我们决心查出真相。3.The truth (There is no truth in the rumours. 这些谣言毫无根据。来自牛津词典6. There is not a grain of truth in what she says. 她说的没有一句真话。来自牛津词典7. universa


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