
end up with和end with,edup

put off 2023-12-24 12:16 162 墨鱼
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end up with和end with,edup

?^? .end up with sth以某事结束,Our class ended up with astory . end up doing sth结束做某事(即不再做某事),eg.As long as you study hard ,you will end up failing the exam Why end up doing 动作在于doing上,它是现在进行时的意思,代表你结束现在正在做的事情。end up with 重点在with 它是伴随的意思,他可以是以前的动作或者现在的事物。一、end up doing

1. end up with:以……结束,后面常接名词。例句1:The party ended up with a poem. 聚会以一首诗结束了。例句2:The concert ended up with a song. 音乐会以一首歌结束。2end in 没有被动语态,表示“以。。。结束”The battle ended in victory. end up with 也表示“以。。。结束”The meeting ended up with a song.(a song 是the

Consider this example: $p->handler(text => [], 'text'); $p->handler(text => [], '@{text}']); With two text events; "foo", "bar"; then the first example will end uend up with后面的宾语是其主语的一部分,而end up in后面的宾语是其主语(一件事情、一个活动等)的结果.:end up结束,告终例句与用法:1.The people who design

ˇωˇ The meaning of END UP is to reach or come to a place, condition, or situation that was not planned or expected. How to use end up in a sentence.end up with 美英na.以…而告终英汉na. 1. 以而告终例句释义:全部,以…而告终更多例句筛选


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