

respond造句 2023-08-22 18:42 663 墨鱼


repetition造句1、The repetition of these noises often helps many people drift into much needed shut-eye.这些重复的声音能有效帮助人入眠。2、He could also have cut单词repetition 例句大全,用单词repetition造句:compulsiverepetition 强迫性重复动作强逼性重?扯correction byrepetition 重复纠错法aggravation fromrepetition 因再犯

repetitional的造句和例句:1. Tyrone and Moll reported his movements were palilalic in nature, as entire signs were repeated and the repetitional movements became 主页>造句>英语造句> repetition造句,repetition例句1、Repetition helps learning、背诵有助于学习。2、This accident is arepetitionof one that happened here two we

单词repetitive 例句大全,用单词repetitive造句:It pays to automaterepetitivetasks, but don't overdo it. 值得为使重复的任务自动化付出代价,但不能过头。Suddenly musi权威造句1. Her prose style is not always felicitous; she tends torepetition. 她的行文风格并非总是恰到好处,往往爱重复。来自柯林斯例句2. It is real prayer, and not mechanicalrepetit

Her prose style is not always felicitous, she tends torepetition. 她的行文风格并非总是恰到好处,往往爱重复。情景例句"Tomorrow is too often arepetitionof today." "明日repetition造句1、repetition, as they say, is the mother of learning.(正如他们所言,重复是学习之母。2、Prepare therepetition calendar.(制作重复学习日历。3、repetition helps improv

6、Habits are created byrepetition. 7、teach by drills andrepetition. 8、range of pulserepetitionfrequency 9、The perfomance improved with eachrepet4.A Comparative Study of Repetition in Chinese and English Rhetoric;汉语辞格中的反复与英语中的“反复”5.She is pondering deeply over the matter.她在反复思考这件


标签: retention造句



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