
relate to同义词组,relevant的同义词

relative同义词 2023-09-25 21:49 519 墨鱼

relate to同义词组,relevant的同义词

Associate with=connect with=link with=relate to=involve in与……相关联Attach to=connect to=link to=serve与……相连接、附着在……上At will=at random=by chance=by accidrelate to的同义词组Relate to的近义词1. connect with 2.be related to 3.3. have to do with 4.4. be concerned with 5.5. have relation to©2022 Baidu |由百度智能云

(^人^) relate同义词:join, combine, unite, connect, link, attach, couple, associate, relate relate同义词辨析:这些动词均有"连接,结合,联合"之意。join 侧重把原来不相连接的物紧密同义词|deal with/get involved in;涉及,有关网络扩展资料单词"relate to"的意思是涉及、关于、与有关。它是由动词"relate"和介词"to"组成的短语动词。以下是该词汇的

1、be related to 中的related 则是一个形容词,意为to show or make a connection between two different things(relate to网络解释1. 有关;涉及:relatesth 理解或同情某事物|relateto有关;涉及|relateto与有关;涉及2. 与有关;涉及:relateto有关;涉及|relateto与有关;

relate to 美英na.有关联;与…有关;理解网络涉及;与…有联系;与……有关联第三人称单数:relates to现在分词:relating to过去式:related to 同义词v. have to do with,co单词的同义词替换drastically : extreme and sudden adv.彻底地carry out : subject to : 使服从remain=stay=keep=continue to be=still v.保持detect=inspect=examine=notice=sp

≥0≤ relate to 动词relate:make a logical or causal connection 同义词:associate, tie in, link, colligate, link up, connecthave to do with or be relevant to 同义词:referrelate narrate recount叙述relate sth to sth把与联系起来relate sth with sth把与联系起来相似单词relatev. 1.[T]讲,叙述,与…有关2.[I]有关,符合,相处得


标签: relevant的同义词



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