
carry it off,give it a go

carried off什么意思 2023-12-26 19:09 964 墨鱼
carried off什么意思

carry it off,give it a go

“carry off”不是“脱离”来源:每日英语翻译发布时间:2021-02-03 Lance can carry it off. 【误译】兰斯能脱离这项工作。【正确】兰斯能成功地处理这项工作high and dry■戏弄(某人), 逗恼(某人)carry it■获胜;占优势carry it off■移到远处■杀死■顺利地应付过去C-me out!■[俚]难道有这种事!carry off■运走,移走■夺走,拐

You are such a gentleman, and carry off my palpitation.你是如此的绅士,带走了我的心跳。2)(成功)应对,执行He's got the experience and the authority to carry it off.他carry it off C 开头单词基本解释掩饰过去英汉例句双语例句As we soon discovered, though, most people can't carry it off. 不过,我们很快发现,其实大部分人都弄巧成

1 carry off释义:1、带走;抬走;抓走;拿走;搬走;抢走;偷走例:I was carried off on a stretcher. 我被人用担架抬走了。2、夺去;劫走例:They overpowered the men and car1. carry off在线翻译1. All was useless, the treasure disappeared, and had again reverted to the genii from whom for a moment he had hoped to carry it off. 但一切

●▂● 网络移到远处;成功网络释义1. 移到远处catamountain的意思中文翻译carry it 获胜carry it off移到远处carry look ahead adder 超前进位加法器qiongdian.cocarry it off移到远处carry offv. 1.夺得,赢得2.夺去,偷去,拐去3.巧妙应付,成功地对付carry off a prize得奖,获奖,捧走奖杯carry off a sentry活捉或干掉哨兵carry off


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