
the supermarket,inthesupermarket

supermarket少儿英语 2023-09-30 15:00 238 墨鱼

the supermarket,inthesupermarket

ˋωˊ lessonthesupermarket超市PPT课件Unit6Shopping 1 Review CyI’oaund?Ilihkeelptoybouuy?…W/hIawtacnatntoIdbouyfo…r I’mlookingfor…Canyoushowme…Whatcolourdoyou Whatsilzikeed?oyou HoThis is a supermarket .It is big and new. Its name is Wanjia .You can buy many things in the supermarket . You can buy food like milk,bread ,vegetables,chocolate……Y

n.超市;超级市场网络大超市;连锁超市;库存超市复数:supermarkets 权威英汉双解英汉英英网络释义supermarket n. 1. 超级市场;超市a large shop/store that sells food, Thesupermarketoperates a complimentary shuttle service. 这家超市提供免费购物班车. 《简明英汉词典》Mrs Hayes went to thesupermarketwith her four little children i

Supermarket News delivers competitive business intelligence, news and information for executives in the food retail and grocery industry.今天的绘本故事是关于超市里的一些物品一起来看看吧!The Supermarket 超市The carts. 手推车The fruits. 水果🥭🍉 The vegetables.蔬菜🥬 The bread. 面包🍞 The cereal. 麦片


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