

rise up造句 2023-08-28 18:08 457 墨鱼
rise up造句


I can't work out how to put this table together. be up to…由……做主,取决于……是……职责\胜任……适于……密谋……I’m afraid Tim just isn’t up to the jobup to 英[ʌp tu:] 美[ʌp tu]词典多达;  直到;  在于…  能胜任网络高达;  最高可达;  达双语例句1 I'll make it up

≥▂≤ 如:Li Ping is not up to his work. 李平不能胜任他的工作。Do you think she is up to doing it alone. 你认为她能独立完成这件事吗?5、be up to“表示:及你要通过自己有亮点的经历,能力及特点向面试官表达,你符合这个职位的要求,并且能胜任。3. 表达对公司的向往面试前做好充分准备,了解企业文化,表达出认可并能适应其中。在自我介绍

虽然没有PeaZip 智能解压/密码管理的功能,但是7zip 自身集成在右键菜单里还是蛮方便的,完全可以胜任主力压缩工具。集成在右键菜单的7zip 2.6.2 Startup Delayer - 自启动管理43.beunequal to the task 不能胜任这项工作-- 来源-- 英汉- 短句参考好评(11)差评() 44.I was very worried that I might notbecompetentin my new work in the first fe

ˋ▂ˊ 1)表示“能够做某事”;“有资格、有能力做某事”;“能胜任某事”,也可说feel up to。up to 后面接名词,动名词或代词。I’m afraid that he is notup to the jup to英语造句,1、He put it up to his wife whether they should buy it or not.他让妻子来决定是不是买。2、I'll look up to you.我会尊敬你

题目内容: be up to造句意思是能胜任什么事优质解答Whether to do it or not is up to you这里up to you表示由你决定I think I am up to this task.我觉得An Indian or a Chinese meal? It’s up to you. 吃印度菜还是中国菜?由你决定吧。4.be up to 表示“胜任,适合,适于”,多用于否定句或疑问句。例:Li Ping is


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