
was known as,known as的用法

beknown for 2023-06-14 19:44 485 墨鱼
beknown for

was known as,known as的用法

⊙﹏⊙ 首页翻译文档翻译人工翻译背单词精品课写作校对我的文档翻译客户端下载专栏平台翻译释义was known as 翻译被称为以上结果来自机器翻译。京ICP备14035597号一般来说be known as 表示某人或某物因什么而被知道,意为“被称为”,通常是某种具有特殊含义的身份标识,例如:His name is Robert, but he is known as Bobby

Fauna wasaminorRomangoddessbutherbrotherwasmorefamous,hisRomangodnamewas FaunusbutinGreekhewasknownasPan. Fauna是一位罗马的小女神,不过她的兄弟很有名气,他的罗马名1. Lu Xun is known as a great writer in China.在中国,鲁迅作为一名伟大的作家而闻名.2. Guangzhou is known as the Goat City. 广州作为"羊城"而闻名于世.3

He is little known as an artist.他是个不出名的艺术家。The pope is known as the vicar of Christ.教皇被称做基督的代理者。Samuel Clemens, who was known as Mark Twa如:She was known as an excellent dancer. 她被大家公认为优秀的舞蹈演员。(摘自《薄冰英语惯用法

1、Being known as a super star, she is very humble actually. 作为超级明星,实际上她很谦卑.2、She is know as one of the 10 famous female scientists in ChLondonwas known as the City ofFogat that time. 那时,伦敦被称为雾都。He isknown asa successful architect. 他作为一个成功的建筑家而闻名。其同义词组有be famous as

be known as表示“作为而闻名”,后接称号或表示身份的词。如:London was known as the City of Fog at that time. 那时,伦敦被称为雾都。be known as= be famous for,表示因而闻名In the 7th grade, I was known as the smart girl—the girl who always got the highest grades. No one really___9___me to be good at sports. I didn’t, either. In PE


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