
can i have an egg还是a egg,an

canlhavesomeeggs 2023-08-25 12:12 187 墨鱼

can i have an egg还是a egg,an

1. 以元音音素开头的字母:a ,e ,f , h, i, l, m, n, o, r, s, x……要用不定冠词an 。e.g. There is an “a ”in the word name. There is an “e ”in the w3.I’m sure they will have a great time at the party. (改为同义句) I’m sure they will ___ ___ at the party. 4.My mother is going to make a cake for my birthday

(-__-)b Mary and her mother get in. There are many people in the shop. Mary finds a nice white skirt.“How much is the skirt?”Mary asks the girl in the sh应该是a egg,“e”是元音字母,但是用在这里就不一样了,不用加an。

A. egg B. apple C. milk 相关知识点:语法名词普通名词不可数名词试题来源:解析【解析】some后加可数名词复数或不可数名词。egg(鸡蛋)和apple(苹果)都是可数名词。miI have an egg.B. I have a ruler.C. I have a cat. 5(A)3.你想说“我有一个鸡蛋和一些牛奶”,你应该这样说:A. I have an egg and some milk.B. I have an egg and some brea

?^? 1 an egg:因为egg的首个音素是/e/,是元音音素,所以冠词用an而不是a。an和a是用在可数的单数名词前的不定冠词,表示“一”的概念。egg是原因因素开头,用an,在以元音开始发音的Can I have a ball? 我能拥有一个球吗?Sorry, no. 对不起,不可以。食物类名词,考试物词连线也是最多的rice 米饭;米noodles 面条vegetable 蔬菜fish 鱼肉

⊙﹏⊙‖∣° a/an在使用时,是根据后面接的词来决定的,如果是big egg就用a big egg如果是egg 就用an egg 咨询记录· 回答于2022-10-16 为什么用a+big+egg不适用an+big+eg错I have an egg.


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