
does he like it,does he like怎么回答

does 2023-08-26 19:16 967 墨鱼

does he like it,does he like怎么回答

does he like后面动词,like后面接不定式或者ing形式都可以的。当表示喜欢某事物,而且以前就喜欢,还可能持续,用like doing。当表示想要,欲做某事用like to do。对的,like是实意动词,变为一般疑问句要借助于助动词,由于主语是it,又是一般现在时,所以需要借助助动词does.

Is this Does He Like Me Quiz quiz accurate? This Does He Like Me Quiz is accurate, but it's not going to tell you the whole story. You see, the person "he" that y8. —How old are you/ is he/ are they? —I’m/ He is/ They are eleven. 9. —What’s your telephone number? —It’s 4567967. 10. —What class/ grade

+^+ --- Because it is very interesting. --- What subject does he like best? ---He likes English. ---Why does he like it best? ---Because it is very inIt's a billiant film. You must see it. 这是一部不错的电影,你一定要看看。建议) Unit 5 Why do you like pandas? 五、课文注释1. He can walk on two leg

核心短语/词汇:like:喜欢翻译:他喜欢苹果吗?是的,他喜欢。解析:本题是助动词引导的一般疑问句,所以用助动词回答,is是be动词,不正确。主语是he,是第三人称单数形式,所以助因为does 是助动词后面需要+动词原形当do作为助动词时,不论否定还是肯定,后面第一个动词都用原形。如果助动词用表示强调语气时,那也一样,后面第一个动词都用原形。例如:① Do you like skiing?②H


标签: does he like怎么回答



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