

count及物和不及物的用法 2023-01-15 02:37 180 墨鱼


The child can count up to a hundred. 那孩子能数到一百。例句:I feel he has even counted up the hours he has left. 我想他连还能活几个小时都计算10. I can always count on you to cheer me up. 你总能使我振作起来。11. He is highly regarded, but his youth might count against him. 人们对他的评价很高,但他年纪轻

包含count的固定搭配這些詞常常與count一起使用。點選固定搭配,查看更多示例。accurate count However, due to the difficulties in obtaining an accurate count on the body surface proper,count on/upon 4. 依靠;指望You can count on him to help. 你可以指望他帮忙。count out 5. 不把算在内Please count me out from tomorrow's basketba

∩ω∩ 学英语必备的1920固定搭配,从A到Z,帮助各位同学记忆。每天读一遍,迅速提升英语水平!A ability to do sth 做某事的能力be able to do sth 能做某事What about ? ……怎么样?Ho二、Count的常见短语搭配是count on。count on表示“指望,依靠”,还是在TPO7-Lecture2-Bats’Use of Ultrasound中,教授说:For many bats, their vision is t

count on 指望,信赖。You may count on it. (尽管放心好了。是比较地道的口语表达。count 原意为数一数,如:count the cost 数着成本(权衡利弊得失) count thFirst, 在count前加上ac,表示加强或名词化,比如我们学过的accompany,由名词"公司或者陪伴"变成了动词"陪伴"。同样,account由计数变成了名词账户。如果在account后再加上名词后缀a

6.count in把…计算在内7.count off报数8.count on依靠9.count out点数;不把…算在内;拳击count on/upon 4. 依靠;指望You can count on him to help. 你可以指望他帮忙。count out 5. 不把算在内Please count me out from tomorrow's basketball match. 明天


标签: count后面加什么介词



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