
decide on造句,shave off造句

be composed of造句 2023-09-25 10:41 359 墨鱼
be composed of造句

decide on造句,shave off造句

●▂● 1.Decide on your objective up front,and remember it.事先决定目标,并牢记.2.I decided on buying the new car.我决定要买这辆新车.3.The bank should ideally d9、Third,decide onyour own system for marking. 10、People couldn'tdecide onwhere they came from. 11、On the other hand, maybe you should reevaluate y

单词decide on 例句大全,用单词decide on造句:decide onthe dishes according to the guest. 看人下菜碟儿Let's get a move on anddecide ona course of action! 赶快决定decide on造句复制1、Ask your friends or colleagues for content ideas. This will help youdecide onthe right angle and structure of your speech.(向你的朋友或同事

2. They decide on flying kites. 3. decide on sth. 决定做某事他们决定放风筝。935763. opt for sth decide on sth; choose sth 决定某事物;选择某事物forum.putdecide on造句1、This group meets regularly to decide on the priority and assignment of any new requirements.通常由该小组定期开会决定任何新需求的优先级和指派(对于

decideon造句简单1. I had to decide on a new car to buy, and after much research, I finally settled on a hybrid model. 2. The team had to decide on a strategy fordecide造句"decide"是什么意思I would like to think it over beforedeciding. 我还是想想再决定吧。The excision of the clause has beendecided. 已经决定删除这个条款


标签: shave off造句



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