
committodo和doing区别,is committed to

commit to后面接什么 2024-01-05 23:30 703 墨鱼
commit to后面接什么

committodo和doing区别,is committed to

1、commit a crime 犯罪;2、commit suicide 自杀;3、commit sb to sth/to doing sth 承诺做某事。例句:1、I have never committed any crime. 我从来没犯过罪;2、They are si解析朋友,应该是commit sb.to do==commit sb.to doing (你漏写了一个宾语)翻译:责成某人做某事语法:在意思上是相同的,没有区别.如:They committed him to send / to sending

to do就是不定式短语喽,to doing的to是介词,介词后动词要用ing英语解释:"Commit" 的多种用法Source: Zhihu(prepared by: alexcwlin; edited by: Adam Lam)Question: 我一直搞不懂commit to do , be committed to doing, c

ˋ﹏ˊ commit to do是保证做commit to doing是承诺做这两个解释对朋友,应该是commit sb. to do==commit sb.to doing (你漏写了一个宾语) 翻译:责成某人做某事"commit to do"和"commit doing"的区别如下:1. "commit to do" 表示承诺或决定去做某事。它强调的是对未来的行动的承诺或决心。例如,He committed to studying


标签: is committed to



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