

make up和好的用法 2022-12-26 09:21 256 墨鱼
make up和好的用法


The computer is made up of the software part and the hardware part. 电脑由软件和硬件构成。The UK is made up of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. 英四、make up (with sb),意为“言归于好”,常用于固定搭配kiss and make up中,例如:Tom still hasn't made up with Alice.汤姆和爱丽丝还没和好。My husband and I often fight

12. She looked up, then did a double take when she saw my dress andmakeup. 她抬起头,看见我的衣服和打扮露出不能置信的表情。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》13. The perfor1 make up 后面可以直接跟宾语。如:I think it's very unkind of you to make up stories about him. 我认为你编造关于他的故事是很不友好的。2 make up 可以表示“补足(某

(5)凑足、补足。意为凑足或补足所需的数目。The toy cost a dollar and Ted only had fifty cents, so Father made up the difference. We need one more player --- will y2make的固定短语搭配1. make up 编造;弥补;和好;组成;铺(床);化妆It's not true. She made it up. 这不是真实的情况,是她编造出来的。2. make out 辨认出;理解I couldn’t make

⊙﹏⊙ Do someone's hair 给某人做头发She was sitting in front of the mirror doing her hair. 她坐在镜子前梳头。Do your makeup 化妆吧How long does it tak(1)编、编造。其宾语通常为故事、诗歌、借口一类的名词。The teacher asked the students to make up a poem about Christmas. Not having a good excuse, Sal

We have to drive fast to make up the hour we lost in Boston. (3)构成。其主语是若干个个体,其宾语为由这些个体构成的整体。当句子是被动结构时,其后应加of。Nine play连成一句话:那个男的(male)叫他同事(mate)老兄(mate)。增加字母衍生的词:makeup ['meɪkʌp] n. 化妆;性格;组成;构造;本篇的单词!有兴趣的可以自己做成思维导图,随时翻阅!


标签: makeup后面加什么介词



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