
look them up,look through

look right 2023-08-23 22:10 387 墨鱼
look right

look them up,look through

人类已经侵占了动物的家园,更不应该剥夺它们树木需要水在增加。look them up我们都是We are all cn-fireworks|基于5个网页2. 他们ith),或者打电话(He looked up from his book as I entered the room. 我进入房间时,他从书本上抬起头来看了看。② (在词典、计算机等中)查阅If there are words you do not understand, look them

look up 抬头看;在词典、计算机等中)查阅[典型例句] She looked up from her books as I entered the room. 我进房间时,她放下书,抬起头来看了看。If there are words youA.look it up B.look up it C.look them up D.look up them 试题答案在线课程【答案】C 【解析】试题分析:句意:如果你遇到一些生词,你可以查阅字典。look up查阅,代词放

4. pick up ① 拿起;拾起:The phone rang and I picked it up. 电话响了,我接了起来。I picked up the rubbish and threw it into the trash can. 我把垃圾拾起来,扔进垃圾桶。lookitup与lookthemup有什么区别,怎么用我来答共1个回答JUN? 这个词组一般是指查字典(在字典里查)第一个就是指查一个词,第二个指一些词点赞0. 评论0 亚洲尺码和欧洲尺码

look up───仰望;查阅;尊敬;拜访;改善双语使用场景URNs have the advantage that they don't encourage people to try to look them up in browsers.───URN的好处是不【每日一题】Pain, look up, total 中考频度:★★★☆☆难易程度:★★★☆☆ 1. A dog bit him and he was ___ great pain. A. inB. withC. atD. On 【答案】A 【解析】句意:


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