

amount的过去分词 2023-12-21 16:17 402 墨鱼


amount 显示所有例句n. 1. 金额a sum of money 2. ~ (of sth) 数量;数额a quantity of sth IDM any amount of sth 大量a large quantity of sth no amount of sth 即使再多(amount造句1. We have raised an amount of money to build a new playground in our neighborhood. 2. The amount of money he had saved was enough to buy a car. 3. The

1.This wouldamountto asignificantentry barrier. 这就成为一个重大的加入障碍。- 来源-- 英汉- 辞典例句好评(12)差评() 2.significantamount 巨大金额,巨大数额-- 来1、Only a minuteamountis needed.(只需很少的一点。2、They spend an inordinateamountof time talking.(他们聊天时间长得超乎想像。3、He gave her a fifth of the tot

单词amount 例句大全,用单词amount造句:Ginger, wineamount, wateramount. 姜汁,酒适量,水适量。Because of the abnormalamountof snow. 因为雪大得不寻常。The cashier11. It isn't worth quibbling over such a small amount. 不值得为这样的小数目斤斤计较。12. Out of proportion, as in size, shape, or amount. 不成比例的,不相称的,如

(`▽′) amount to基本解释共计;意味着;发展成;折合amount to的用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释But his critics grumble that his policiesamounttoputting h1、significantamount 2、Current insuredamount; currentamountTheamountof the guarantee. 3、maximum permissibleamount(MPA) 4、reimbursable costs(amoun


标签: amount和mount的区别



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