

through的英语造句 2024-01-04 12:49 443 墨鱼


We basically put something together to get through the meeting.基本上我们把一些东西搁了一块儿就通过了会议。英文例句大全为您提供get through英文例句大全,get through造句大全造句子词语造句造句大全查询get through造句子1、I rang you several times but couldn'tget through、我给你打了几次电话,可是没打通。2、When youget thr

21、One cannot get through life without pain.生活离不开劳苦. 22、But he could not get on with progressive leaders in Congress.但他不能与国会中的进步领袖融洽相处。23、Ma类型英语造句1、I couldn'tget through—the line's engaged.(我打不通电话—线路忙。2、After youget through the first three weeks, it becomes far easier to stick wi

3. I hope we can get to know each other better. 希望我们能更好地相互了解。4. It can be difficult to get to the truth in a complex situation. 在复杂的情况下,找到1、The deal did not gothrough.(这笔交易未谈成。【好工具hao86】2、We drovethroughhail and snow.(我们顶着冰雹和大雪开车。3、The knife piercedthroughhis coat

14、If we canget throughthis wall, we can get into the pipe. 15、The strange thing is that someone very small and thin can notget throughit and someothrough 造句1. He jumped through the window to escape. 2. She walked through the park to get to her destination. 3. They swam through the lake to get to the othe

get sb through造句如下:1、My parents always supported me and got me through the toughest times.2、It was thget through to sb表示“make sb understand使理解,说通”。比如:Finally you’vegot through tome and I’ll change my view.好的你让我信服了,我改变之前的


标签: personnel造句简单



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