
用combine A with B造句,schedule造句简单小学

misguide造句 2023-12-13 09:51 780 墨鱼

用combine A with B造句,schedule造句简单小学

2). combine A with B 把B融入到A中去(A是主体) Combine A and B 结合A与B(AB地位相等) 3). sense n. 感觉,观念v.感觉到4). atmosphere n.气氛,大气(atmo-9. combine A with B 结合、兼有、兼顾10. comfort sb. with sth. 安慰11. compare A with B 比较12. confuse sb. with sth. 混淆、迷惑13. connect A wit

第一个出场的单词是combine,com表示“together”,bin或者bi这个词根表示“two”,比如bilateral,双边的,combine就是把两个东西合在一起,表示联合,结合的意思。固定搭配是combin用combine A with B造句combine A with B造句1.我喜欢将苹果和肉桂结合在一起做一个美味又健康的小吃。combine apples with cinnamon) 2.艺术家决定将颜料和纸张结合起来,

答:这取决于你安排多少场比赛。你可以轮流安排你的主力和替补阵容参加比赛,这样可以尽可能得到更好的状态。combine A with B更多例句如:The two things combine very well.这两件事结合得很好。2、短语combine A with B和combine A and B都表示“把……结合起来”,短语前后连接两个对等的成分;如:Only when our t

combine A with B 美英na.使甲乙相结合[化合];兼备甲乙英汉na. 1. 使甲乙相结合[化合];兼备甲乙combine with造句复制1、But diplomats, too, increasingly find a globe-hopping career hard tocombine witha traditional family life.(但外交官们也日益发现,一份奔波于全球的职业同传统的

23、It will alsocombine withoxygen to form oxides of nitrogen and when combined with hydrogen in the presence of catalysts, will form ammonia. 24、Th..bine a with b 把a和b 结合/混合经典例句1. he has something to say on how to combine freedom with responsibility. 他要讲一讲如何使自由和责任相结合。2. combine the


标签: schedule造句简单小学



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