
Learn doing,learnto加什么

有learndoingsth吗 2022-12-26 12:24 644 墨鱼

Learn doing,learnto加什么

一、表达意思不同1、learn to do sth.:学做某事。2、learn doing:学习做某事。二、特点不同1、learn to do sth.:学着去做某事(在心里打算好了准备去学,还没有去)。2、learn d在4500万个登记答案中找到你想要的答案!

learn doing和learn to do的区别

learn to do是学着去做某事(在心里打算好了自准备去学,还没有去)强调具体某次的动作。而learn doing是学习做某事(已经在学习了,现在进行时)强调抽象的动作。learn doing sth., 学习做某事(不一定学会)很多动词后跟动名词和动词不定式作宾语,意义不同。forget

learn doing sth

ˇ0ˇ 加to do= 加doing的高频考查动词1. start to do =start doing 开始做When did you start to learn English? 你何时开始学英语的?2. learn to do = learn doing学着做She is lea与“动词ing"相反,不定式“to 动词短语”容易被受话人理解为“结果”。进一步,“to do”也可视为为how to do的省略(how doing肯定无厘头)。如【例句1】You have to learn to fa

learn doing是什么意思

1.没有learn doing sth,一般是learn sth;learn to do sth;learn (sth) from sb;learn to do sth from sb;learn (学着去做某事learn doing …学会做某事⑧stop to do …停下来去做(另一件事) stop doing …停止做某事⑨go on to do …接着做(另外一件事) go on doing …继续做某事⑩used


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