

has got造句 2022-12-25 09:00 356 墨鱼
has got造句


have/has的后面不能加got。have常用的情况:1.have有;have(a cold)得(病)。2.have(a drink)喝(饮料)(也就是我1.He has got three dogs. 2.She has got a bag. 3.She has got two pens.

一般疑问句:Have you got 某某东西一、belief简单造句汉英?There is a general belief that things will soon get better. 大家普遍认为情况很快就会好转。2、It beggars belief how things co

havegot用在第一人称I和复数hasgot用在第三人称单数中亚洲尺码和欧洲尺码区别亚洲尺码和欧洲尺码区别是欧洲尺码通常要比亚洲尺码大一码到二码,另外欧洲尺码和If she did, she wouldhave gotbitten. 如果她大声命令,狗就可能咬她。英文例句大全为您提供have got英文例句大全,have got英文造句,关于have got的英语句子,单词have got怎

>﹏< Ihave gotonly two hands, but so so many projects to do!16、I have got the software, you have got the hard drive. Let us interface. 17、People "have got money in their hand if they've got a gift card," Mr

?0? 1、Once you have got an valid argument you can add anything you like and it will still be valid.一旦你有一个有效论点,你可以加任何东西,他依然有效。2、I'm afraid yHe has got a hat. He has got everything. He has got a book. Lucy has got an idea. She has got a coat


标签: havegot的用法及句型转换



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