
run out of time翻译,start up

give up 2023-11-07 12:00 851 墨鱼
give up

run out of time翻译,start up

run out of time运行的时间双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 没时间了例句:1.Now he has run out of time. 如今,他已没有时间。-如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右英语口语中经常把out of 简化说成outta。比如:Hurry! We're running outta time!快点,我们快没时间了!be (all) out of time 英文释义:to not have enough minutes, etc. avai

Ifyouputthemofftolater,youwillgetbusyandrunoutoftimetodothem. Get them out of the way,andthe rest of thedayisgravy! 假如你把它拖到后面去做,你就会变得很忙并耗尽时runout runoutoftime信息详情文章内容

≥△≤ run out of 意思是“用光了,用完了”run out of time 就是“没时间了”例句:You need to know what to abandon if you run out of time.如果你没有时间,你需要2.run out of time没时间比如:I need this jacket pressed and I'm running out of time. 我的这件外套需要熨烫一下,而我快没时间了。I’m running out of time, talk to you l

run out of time 英美来不及,时间不够(因而未能完成某事) run out of time的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:英英释义: to not have enough hours,(2)run out意为“……用完了”,是不及物短语,其主语通常为时间、食物、金钱等名词。3)give out用尽,精疲力竭,为不及物短语。4)use up用完,消耗尽,为及物短语。①We are

penghaiwei.blog.hexun|基于30个网页3. 时日无多【本报讯】英国王储查理斯日前受访,首度表示感觉自己时日无多(running out of time),似暗示他为王的时间不会长久。被…I didn't finish the test ─ I ran out of time. 我没答完试卷,我的时间不够了。《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》23 I often go running before work. 我常常在上班前跑步。


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