

用sound造句简单 2023-12-26 16:32 550 墨鱼


(1)the mass media ,such as radio, television and the internet ,should make every effort to propagate and advocate it .负面话题的话就是prevent (2)we must promote and pop1.Turn on (off) the radio.打开(关掉)收音机2.a TV [radio] program电视[收音机]节目3.the volume control of a radio收音机的音量调节器4.There is much noise in this

26、Radio telescopes create pictures of the sky, not in visible light, but inradiowaves. 27、radiocar,radiocab car or cab equipped with aradiofor co单词radio 例句大全,用单词radio造句:RadioAbidjan 阿比让广播电台adjust aradio 调准收音机得选台指针radioacoustic ranging 无线电声响测距Radiofrequency ablation 针

radio的中文翻译1.无线电广播节目例句:i-i left my radio in the car. 翻译:I left my radio in the car.。来源:英英汉-英英汉词典2.单选框例句:WOMAN: (ON RADiO) it's getti下面围绕“radio造句”主题解决网友的困惑radio造句简单七年级?1.I could hear music playing on the radio . 我听到收音机里演奏着音乐。2.He is record

╯▂╰ radio在线翻译名词无线电;收音机;无线电广播台;无线电收发报机及物/不及物动词用无线电发送讯息;作无线电广播;用X射线拍照radio radio 相关例句及物动词1. The amb4.5 选择一个rpy文件,便可以直接进行翻译(无须复制粘贴到游览器翻译,节省大量时间),如图所示4.6 翻译插件默认是google翻译,如果想换成baidu翻译,如图所示。此插件需要划词选中鼠

↓。υ。↓ radio造句1. I usually listen to the radio on my way to work. 2. The radio announcer gave the latest weather update. 3. My grandfather's favorite pastime was listRadio reception isn't very good here. 这里的无线电接收情况不太好。用作动词(v.) Every ship is required to radio its position. 要求每一艘船用无线电


标签: constantly造句简单



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