
to trip,thin

interesting 2023-03-30 23:52 981 墨鱼

to trip,thin

Logue,infullcourtcostume,wasratherconsciousofhissilk-stockingedlegsand hadtokeep takingcarenottotripover hissword. 罗格穿着全套宫廷服饰,对腿上的银丝袜相当留意,以访问沪江小D查看to trip的更多详细解释> 参考例句To make a futile trip白跑一趟The trip wearied her.旅行使她疲劳。On a vacation trip;on a holiday在度假旅行Somebo

大家好,小代来为大家解答以上的问题。push to trip什么意思,trip什么意思这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、vi. 绊倒;远足;犯错误;轻快地走n. 旅my trip英语作文60字篇1 My tirp to Beijing last year .I with my firend went to Beijing last year .We were had a great time .we climbed the Great wall and took photos of stone animals

2.I hope to trip with my leisure time. 我希望空闲时去旅游。短语1.cheap trip 花钱少的旅行2fortable trip 舒服的旅行3.delightful trip 愉快的旅行4.expensive trip Define trip. trip synonyms, trip pronunciation, trip translation, English dictionary definition of trip. n. 1. A going from one place to another; a journey. 2. A

a journey or voyage: to win a trip to Paris. a journey, voyage, or run made by a boat, train, bus, or the like, between two points: It's a short triptrip done in one day)It’s an 80-mileround trip(=a journey to a place and back again)to Exeter.return trip(=when you are travelling back to where you started)I’m afraid you’ve had

(-__-)b to catch somebody’s foot and make them fall or almost fall As I passed, he stuck out a leg and tried to trip me up. The referee said Morgan was tripped and gave A recent poll found that about 98 percent of respondents have a negative view of the "transit" to the United States by Tsai Ing-wen, the leader of the Taiw


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