
is yet to,April的翻译

covid的用法 2023-12-30 16:31 194 墨鱼

is yet to,April的翻译

3) John is yet to eat dinner. The clearest distinction betweenhave yet toandbe yet tois found with respect to so-calledthough-movement, at least for some speakers. Given a base sente又名:The Best is Yet to Come / 最好的还没到IMDb:tt11564218 豆瓣评分7.0 103536人评价5星11.0% 4星36.6% 3星45.0% 2星6.8% 1星0.7% 好于78% 剧情片看过评价:

is yet to be 网校学员音之续**在学习新概念英语2、3、4册连读【外教VIP 全额奖学金班】时提出了此问题,已有1人帮助了TA。网校助教清醒季smile 同学你好,该知识点来自沪江moment is yet to come 恰一节吸嘎gi呀the best yet to come ong接嘎不透不听不偏哈素吸go 脆骨啦嘛no那叽嘎叽那嘎叽喽我娜娜马俩嘎咕吗嗯穷物go 有穷内不忒

yet to do ……也表示否定意义,其特点是“尚未”、”有待”,含将来意味。例句:The theoryis yet to be proven. 这个理论还有待证实。Iam yet to spendsumm1)She is yet a chil.她还是个孩子。2)I have yet much to do.我还有许多事情要做。8、yet与比较级和once,again等连用,相当于still或even,译为"更"和"再"。yet与最高级连用

somebody/something has yet to do something•If there is asuccessformulain that ithas yet tobedemonstrated.•However, thesitethis yearhas yet tobedetermined.•Thesavageryof ourretaliaWhether you see signs of life in theeconomyorthinktheworstisyettocome,there'snoquestionthatthegamehaschangedforbusiness. 有人觉得经济形势已经好转,也有人觉得变得更

yet,至今尚未在这句话中译为没有。整句的意思为它还没有被我仿效。重点词汇解释:1、yet adv. 还;但是;已经conjYet to come (恩) 糖西嫩工古嫩嘎可gi勒个疼木哦西嘎Moment is yet to come yeah (嗯) 莫杜嘎送猪ging棒无林巴乐梦出吉阿拿Yet to come (恩) We gonna tou


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