
risk sth,take risk

risk of doing 2023-09-29 16:51 444 墨鱼
risk of doing

risk sth,take risk

下面就来介绍risk的常用用法及固定搭配:一、常用用法:1. risk doing:冒着风险去做某事例句:Weighing up the risks, he decided to risk doing so.比照风险后,他决定冒着风The meaning of AT THE RISK OF (DOING SOMETHING) is despite the possibility of (doing something that could be considered improper, wrong, etc.). How to use at the

risk sth to do sth

run a risk 冒风险at risk of 有以下风险economic risk 经济风险against all risks 一切险run the risk of 冒着…的风险put sb. at risk 使某人处于危险之中risk doing sthriskdoingsth冒险做某事系统标签:butchermooseiditarod冒险sledsusan LearningobjectivesHowtalkaboutdecisionHowtalkaboutpastexperienceHowemphasizesthHow

risk sth doing

risk sth.以……作为赌注risk doing sth.冒险做某事risk one's life to do sth.冒着生命危险做某事例句the future of the company is at risk. 公司的发(1)risk sth. /doing sth. 冒着……的危险(2)at risk处于危险之中at the risk of doing sth. 冒着……的风险take /run a risk冒险take/run the risk of doing sth. 冒着……的

risk sth in doing sth

不定式为目的状语。目的一旦达到,risk的动作即告结束。目的状语动作后于谓语时间。风险承担理论例如:“福利经济学与风险承担理论当中的基数效用(cardinal utility in welfare economics and in the theory of risk-taking) risk-taking中文是什么意思n. 冒


标签: take risk



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