
be appropriate for造句,用realizethat造句

be consistent with造句 2022-12-25 15:33 511 墨鱼
be consistent with造句

be appropriate for造句,用realizethat造句

(°ο°) be appropriate for的用法和樣例:例句The economy should be shaped to a new pattern. 經濟應該適合於一種新的模式。It is such a fine day for an outinbeappropriatefor挖对.适合appropriateauthority挖有关[主管]当局appropriatebody挖主管机构appropriatechart挖专用图appropriatedepartment挖主管处appropriatemo

The economy should be shaped to a new pattern. 经济应该适合于一种新的模式。It is such a fine day for an outing. 今天是这样一个适合于郊游的好日子。权威例句Are fTemporary hospitals constructed with local materials may beappropriate forcholera treatment. 如需治疗霍乱,可以利用当地物资建造临时医院。We suggest which type is

15、Well, anyone can say anything isappropriate—my BMW isappropriatefor my life, right? 16、appropriatetechnology - AT: The application of a technbe appropriate for 中文翻译1 na. 适于2 [网络] 适合;适合于;适用于be to do, be going to, be about to 的区别和用法be to do: 侧重意志,计划,安排I'm to meet him.(含

It would not be appropriate for me to discuss that now.现在让我讨论那个问题还不大合适。4.Talk with your doctor or a dietitian about whether nutritional 8、It should always be appropriate for its intended purpose. 9、Hypothermia is appropriate for patients who are comatose post-resuscitation. 10、Thi

ˋ^ˊ〉-# 4.Clearly it would notbeappropriatefora woman to assume that role. 显然女子出任这一职位有欠妥当。「权力游戏视频版(第)」评价该例句:好评差评指正经济学人-科技5.Wappropriate adj. 1. [appropriate (for/to sth)] 适当的;合适的;正当的v.[T] 1. 拿(某事物)为己所用(尤指未经获准或非法者);擅用;挪用;窃用2. [ap grade appropriate adj. 适当级别的最新


标签: 用realizethat造句



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